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Readings for 29 September


I continued to experience enticing situations which could have lured me back into the addictive quicksand. Among these was one more very serious trial concerning Sarah. The timing of this was so uncanny as to be particularly meaningful. — SLAA Basic Text, Page 36

Rich goes on to describe a situation where a friend of a qualifier asked for some assistance. He says, “The Devil himself could not have created a more tantalizing situation! Not only did it offer a chance for musical recognition, thus appealing to my professional ego, but [the friend] was beguilingly attractive.” He found himself in a situation where it was a choice between staying sober and reconciling with his wife or trotting down the path of temptation and bad motives. One theory of synchronicity suggests that life is not made up of coincidences, but that a larger order governs even the most seemingly random of events. If a triggering event was synchronous, I thought it meant I was supposed to stay in addiction. During withdrawal, I mistook running into my qualifier at the mall for synchronicity. My sponsor always said, “There are no coincidences. God’s got a plan. I don’t need to understand it, I just need to say, ‘thy will not mine be done.’” I need to pay attention to God shots and ignore supposed signs from my Higher Power that will lead me back to addictive behaviour.

I will ignore synchronicity unless it is rooted in sobriety and helps to prove the presence of a Higher Power.


There must be the listening ear, as well as the still small voice.

— God Calling

In the past when we needed help, our addiction to sex was the way we coped. It helped us escape, avoid reality, and manipulate people. Now that it’s no longer an option, how do we begin to act differently?

Well, practice makes perfect; we can practice asking for help. We can start simply by staying aware of where we are vulnerable. Prying shame from its grip on our self-esteem helps. We can know that we do not have to live by different rules than other people; we don’t have to be separate and isolated. We don’t have to be perfect, only real. Asking for help is okay.

We have a Higher Power who will provide all the help we need, and provide answers that are beyond any human being to give. When we feel unable to reach out to others, even though we want to, we can take a risk and turn to our Higher Power. Turning to sex addiction never solved anything; turning to our Higher Power will.

I do not have to sacrifice my sanity in order to solve my problems; I can Let Go and Let God.


Daily Meditation Books

Answers in the Heart - daily meditations for people recovering from sex addiction

Touchstones - daily meditations for recovering men A State of Grace - daily meditations by SLAA members

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