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Resources for both sponsors and sponsees in working the SLAA HOW program.


to freedom

Steps 1-3


Steps 4-5

  • ​Use the Google Drive link for all the latest versions of the guides and step work questions.

Completing step 4 using tables is recommended. A more comprehensive option is to then complete a form for each inventory item: Step 4 inventory forms


Step 4 inventory worksheets and forms


4th Step Inventory forms

Use these form templates available at Jotform to help you in creating your various step 4 moral inventories.

Jotform is very versatile, with apps for iOS and Android (can be used offline) - even with a only a free account. Form entries can be printed in lovely PDF versions, sent by email, exported to Excel / CSV. You can edit and re-edit as often as you want / need.

First, sign up for an account at jotform:

  • The referral link will get you five free forms to use. 

  • Complete your own details so the forms are sent to your preferred secure email account.

Then use these forms as templates for your own forms. Make sure you have a look at the list of character defects to make sure they capture your own likely defects. It is suggested that you begin with resentments for your parents, then wider family, then other childhood resentments and on through your life, before continuing with fears, and then your harms.


Once you have completed adding all of your resentments, fears and harms, then you can continue writing about the more significant ones in more detail using these forms:


You do not need to complete the form in a single sitting. Indeed, you could begin each form by completing the first one or two fields, save them and return to complete the next section of fields later on. Both the apps and the jotform website makes it easy to make edits to every completed or partly completed form later on. All of the fields are optional - just complete what needs to be completed.

The forms use this list of 40 common character defects - if you think any are missing and should be added to the templates, or if defects would be better combined, please email us - see below.


Step 9 Amends

When it comes time to make an amends, completing this form will make the task around 3% easier
(add it to your jotform account):


Step 10 Daily Inventory

Create a form so you can easily complete the daily inventory form online or using an app:


Want to follow the step work on your phone or tablet? We've got you covered. Texts of the program to walk you through the steps are now available (in ePub and Kindle).

Documents and resources to assist you in your recovery journey.

This is not an official SLAA or other 12-step website.

Purchase literature in Australia:

Visit the new site: Augustine Recovery

We recognise all addicts who still suffer and all who join in this recovery journey.


We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of our country and respect and honour all elders past, present, and emerging.


Certain links that directed to copyrighted material have been removed. Sorry.


©2019-2020 Recovery Resources.

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