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Recommended Reading

With affiliate links to - also check sites such as or

- all of these books are available as either ebooks or physical, except the ones marked [PB only] which are only available in physical book form.



Daily Meditation Books


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)


Narcotics Anonymous (NA)


Adult Children of Alcoholics and other dysfunctional families (ACA or ACoA)


Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA)


other recovery writing

The following books are often used by participants within 12-step programs and therapy. The views of the authors come out of their own personal research and therapy with people in recovery.

Patrick Carnes


John Bradshaw


Melody Beattie


Pia Mellody


Susan David


Pornography Addiction - Fortify (Fight the New Drug)


Russell Brand


Brené Brown


Richard Rohr ofm


Jonice Webb


Pema Chödrön


Laurel Mellin


Johann Hari


Documents and resources to assist you in your recovery journey.

This is not an official SLAA or other 12-step website.

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We recognise all addicts who still suffer and all who join in this recovery journey.


We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of our country and respect and honour all elders past, present, and emerging.


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