from Touchstones
The purpose of man’s life is not happiness but worthiness. — Felix Adler
When we pursue happiness as a goal for its own sake, we usually reach the opposite point of emptiness. Feeling happy is a by-product of other life experiences. Happiness comes and goes. We welcome it but cannot capture and hold it, nor can we create a recipe for achieving happiness.
We will lead far more successful lives if we choose and pursue values that we do have control over, such as honesty, respect for others and ourselves, seeking loving relationships, and making a contribution to the well-being of others. We can accept unhappiness and difficulties without struggle when we know we are doing something that has greater meaning. Our Eleventh Step tells us we pray only for knowledge of God’s will for us and the power to carry that out. This helps us focus on God’s purpose for us. We can have an inner sense of joy knowing we are leading meaningful lives, even when we aren’t having a particularly happy day.
I will seek the goals that make my life worthwhile and welcome happiness when it comes.
From Answers in the Heart
I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart. — Vincent Van Gogh
Not only was Van Gogh a stunning artist, he was also a man of intense spiritual energy, living fully for his painting and for others. He loved his work and his life, and he believed that art could change the way we relate to others and to the world.
We all must seek and strive, in order to find what is rich and creative in our lives. If we are addicted to sex without love, our hearts will have become impoverished and empty. We lack spiritual nourishment and the power to give to others. Sex addiction thrives only in the shadow of death.
But luckily there are creative people like Van Gogh who have the power to enrich life not only through their art but through their passion for the adventure of living. They, and others like them, convince us that we owe it to life to get well and find love and truth and beauty that live forever in the heart.
I am grateful that there are creative spirits among us, and I want to enrich my own life through their example.
Daily Meditation Books
Answers in the Heart - daily meditations for people recovering from sex addiction
Touchstones - daily meditations for recovering men