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Readings for 15 October

We know about remorse and death. But do we know about hope and life? I believe in life after birth! — Maxie Dunnam

We do not need to create difficulties and pain in our lives. They come with the package of human existence. Some of us even feel bewildered when we aren’t pressed by trouble. As we grew in recovery and our lives became better ordered, many of us thought, “Life seems to be going so well; I wonder what’s wrong?” We were more accustomed to remorse and crisis than to joy and serenity.

What lies before us today is an unpainted picture. There are many possibilities for events to take a good turn. This, too, is part of the package, but we must believe and affirm the good things in order to accept them. When our only expectations are pain and trouble, they probably will be our only experiences. However, when we have faith that a better life is possible, we open ourselves to receive it.

Today, I will live with hope for the possibilities and accept the good things that come my way.


Do not make yourself so big you are not so small. — Jewish proverb

Many of us are so used to being competitive that, even when there is nothing at stake, we exaggerate our qualities and boast of our accomplishments. We sometimes display what we may call a “grandiose ego” — pretentious and false. This is particularly true of sex addicts because we often feel the need to hide behind an inflated image of ourselves. Why? Because we’re afraid of being found out. We think we can prevent people from knowing all about us.

As we move into recovery we find that we gain insight and confidence about ourselves. We are no longer shame-based people, and so we don’t need to hide behind a mask. Our sexuality is now ours to delight in and not a source of fear and shame. We gain a sense of proportion in our lives and a viable perspective on who we are.

We are now neither angels nor beasts, and we can be proud to be human.

I am glad to be at a place where I can be fully human, whether I’m alone or with others.


Daily Meditation Books

Answers in the Heart - daily meditations for people recovering from sex addiction

Touchstones - daily meditations for recovering men

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